AES-128  1.0
Fully Unrolled VHDL Implementation of AES-128
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aes128 Entity Reference

High-throughput implementation of AES-128. More...

Inheritance diagram for aes128:
keyExpansion subMatrix cipherRound subWord subWord subMatrix mixMatrix sbox sbox subWord mixColumn sbox


Behavioral  architecture
 Behavioral architecture of AES-128. More...



Use Clauses



Clk_CI   in std_logic
 System clock.
Reset_RBI   in std_logic
 Synchronous, active-high reset.
Start_SI   in std_logic
 Starts the actual encryption process.
NewCipherkey_SI   in std_logic
 Determines whether a new cipherkey has been applied or not (i.e., whether the key expansion has to be performed or not).
Busy_SO   out std_logic
 Determines whether a the module is currently processing or not.
Plaintext_DI   in std_logic_vector ( 127 downto 0 )
 The plaintext block to be encrypted.
Cipherkey_DI   in std_logic_vector ( 127 downto 0 )
 the cipherkey to be used for encryption.
Ciphertext_DO   out std_logic_vector ( 127 downto 0 )
 The resulting ciphertext.

Detailed Description

High-throughput implementation of AES-128.

The present design implements the cipher of the 128-bit version of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Since the design targets a high-throughput implementation, both the key expansion and the actual cipher are pipeline.

Inputs and outputs are registered. - While the plaintext and the ciphertext are registered in the top entity, the cipherkey is registered within the key expansion entity. Due to the input buffering, the actual encryption starts with a delay of one clock cycle. After that, both the key expansion and the encryption are executed "in parallel".

Member Data Documentation

Busy_SO out std_logic

Determines whether a the module is currently processing or not.

0...Module is in IDLE mode.
1...Module is currently encrypting.
NewCipherkey_SI in std_logic

Determines whether a new cipherkey has been applied or not (i.e., whether the key expansion has to be performed or not).

0...No new cipherkey has been applied.
1...A new cipherkey has been applied.
Start_SI in std_logic

Starts the actual encryption process.

0...Do not start the encryption.
1...Start the encryption (value has to be applied only for a single clock cycle).

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